Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha!
Good news is that the thong is going out ladies, it now only makes up 13% of underwear sales! Best piece of news I've heard in a long time:)


lara said...

This is fantastic news, i never liked thongs give me big girl pants any time!!

The Zoo Crew said...

i know where part of that 13% of sales is ;)

Big Chip Dale said...


It's all a lie put out by the anti-thong radicals. The thong is the most hygienic item of underwear and it's very popular in North Wales where I live.

Mrs McAvoy's Buzz said...

I'm appauled zoo crew ;)

Lara, I'm with you on this one!!

Big Chip Dale I don't think I've ever had a comment from someone so um, bare! lol